The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has a table of municipalities with living wages (updated to 2011).
National Employment Law Project (NELP): Raising the Minimum Wage project
Wikipedia - "Living Wage."
Living Wage Calculator (from MIT)
National Employment Law Project (NELP)
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (occupational employment statistics) [see also Northeastern Snell Library's LibGuide on data and stastitics information]
Minimum Wage Basics City Minimum Wage Laws: Recent Trends and Economic Evidence 2015
Economic Policy Institute Issue Guides - Living standards and labor
Economic Policy Institute Issue Guides - Minimum Wage
The Wage and Employment Impact of MinimumâWage Laws in Three Cities, by John Schmitt and David Rosnick (Centre for Economic and Policy Research) (2011)
Gertner, Jon (January 15, 2006). "What Is a Living Wage?". The New York Times.