Alabama Genealogy and History
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Arizona Department of Health Services
Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records
California State Archives
California State Library
Connecticut State Library & Archives
History & Genealogy: Reference (from CT State Library)
Delaware State Archives
Delaware Genealogical Society
University of Delaware Library Genealogy Resources
Florida Genealogical Society (Tampa)
Florida State Genealogical Society
State Archives of Florida
Digital Library of Georgia
Georgia Archives: University System of Georgia
Georgia State University Library Special Collections and Archives
Georgia's Virtual Vault
State of Georgia Collections
State of Hawaii: Genealogy Research Guide
University of Hawaii Genealogical Resources
Idaho State Archives
Idaho Historical Society: Family History
Illinois State Genealogical Society: Free Online Resources
Illinois Department of Public Health: Vital Records
Illinois Department of Health: Genealogy
Illinois State Archives: Marriage Records
Indiana Genealogy and History
Indiana State Library: Genealogy Collection
The Indiana History and Genealogy Database
The Indianapolis Public Library: Genealogy
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
IowaGenealogyWeb Project
State Historical Society of Iowa
Iowa Department of Public Health: Vital Records
Iowa Graves Survey
Iowa Gravestone Photo Project
Kansas Historical Society
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas City Public Library
Miami County, Kansas: Genealogy Records
Crawford County Genealogy
Kansas Genealogy and History
Kansas Genealogy – Guide to Ancestry and Family Tree Records
McPherson Public Library: Local History and Genealogy
Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky Department of Public HealthLouisville Free Public Library: Genealogy Resources
Southeastern Louisiana University: Free Databases for Louisiana Genealogy
New Orleans Public Library
State Library of Louisiana: Genealogy
Louisiana State University
State of Louisiana: Online Public Vital Records
Afro-Louisiana History and Genealogy
Maine State Library: Genealogy
Maine History and Genealogy
Maine Genealogy and History
Maine State Archives: Vital Records
Maine State Archives: Genealogy
Maryland State Archives
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Baltimore County Public Library
Washington County Public Library
Massachusetts State Archives
Massachusetts Early Vital Records
UMass Amherst Libraries
Library of Michigan: Genealogy
Seeking Michigan
Flint Genealogical Society
Oakland County Genealogical Society
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Genealogical Society
Genealogy Resources at the University of Minnesota
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Mississippi Genealogy and History Network
Kansas City Public Library
Missouri Vital Records: Secretary of State
State Historical Society of Missouri
Montana Historical Society
Montana Memory Project
Missoula Public Library: Montana Collection
Nebraska State Historical Society
Nebraska DHHS: Genealogy Resources
Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records
Nevada DPBH: Vital Records
New Hampshire
New Hampshire State Library: Genealogy
New Hampshire Secretary of State
New Jersey
State of New Jersey: Genealogy Resources
New Jersey Digital Highway
State of New Jersey Genealogical Holdings
New Mexico
USGen Archives: New Mexico
New Mexico Genealogy and History
New Mexico Commission of Public Records
New York
New York State Archives: Genealogy Resources
Genealogy Research at NYPL
New York Department of Health: Genealogy Records
North Carolina
State Library of North Carolina
North Carolina Family Records Online
North Dakota
North Dakota State University: Genealogy and Biography
State Historical Society of North Dakota
State Library of Ohio
Ohio History Collection
Ohio State University Archives
Oklahoma Historical Society
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
Oregon Historical Records Index
Oregon Vital Records
Genealogical Forum of Oregon
Pennsylvania State Archives
Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
Rhode Island
Providence Public Library: Genealogy Resources
Rhode Island State Archives
Rhode Island Vital Records
South Carolina
South Carolina Vital Records
South Carolina Department of Archives and History
South Carolina DHEC
South Dakota
South Dakota State Historical Society
South Dakota Office of Vital Records
Tennessee Office of Vital Records
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Texas State Library and Archives Comission
University of Texas Austin Resources
Utah State Archives
Utah Vital Records
Vermont State Records
Vermont State Library
Vermont Historical Society
Genealogical Society of Vermont
Library of Virginia
Virginia Division of Vital Records
Washington State Digital Archives
Washington Vital Records
Washington State Genealogical Society
West Virginia
West Virginia Archives and History
West Virginia Vital Records
Wisconsin Vital Records
Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society
African American Cemeteries Online
A volunteer project to transcribe tombstone markers in African American cemeteries country-wide.
A "mailing list focused on genealogical research and resources in general and on African ancestry in particular. This page serves as a focal point for information about African-ancestored families and for pointers to genealogical sources worldwide."
Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
AAHGS is dedicated to the encouragement of scholarly studies in both academic, local, and family history of all ethnic groups with particular focus on African Americans.
American Ancestors
New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) is America’s founding genealogical organization and the most respected name in family history. Established in 1845, NEHGS is the nation’s leading comprehensive resource for family history research and the largest Society of its kind in the world. We provide expert family history services through our staff, original scholarship, data-rich website, educational opportunities, and research center to help family historians of all levels explore their past and understand their families’ unique place in history.
Ancestry offers a free trail, and thousands of digitized immigration, marriage, birth, and death records.
Board for Certification of Genealogists
The Board's mission is "To foster public confidence in genealogy as a respected branch of history by promoting an attainable, uniform standard of competence and ethics among genealogical practitioners, and by publicly recognizing persons who meet that standard." The site includes a list of certified genealogists and offers good, useful articles.
Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records Automation web site
This site provides "live database access to Federal land conveyance records for the Public Land States. Image access is provided to more than two million Federal land title records for Eastern Public Land States, issued between 1820 and 1908."
Census Online
"The web's largest directory of links to online census transcriptions! This directory includes links to federal censuses and indexes, state and territorial censuses, tax lists, voter lists, military pensioner lists, etc."
Census Research for Genealogists
This site provides comprehensive information about each of the federal censuses.
Links to online census data worldwide.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
A database containing basic information about Union and Confederate servicemen who served during the Civil War.
Dead Fred Genealogy Photo Archive
Dead Fred presents a "searchable database containing thousands of identified and mystery photos for genealogy enthusiasts looking for long-lost family."
Directory of Genealogy Libraries in the U.S.
State-by-state listing of genealogy libraries countrywide.
Ellis Island Passenger Arrivals
Search for your immigrant ancestors, if they arrived at Ellis Island.
Federation of East European Family History Societies
"THE Pioneer Web Portal for Central and East European Genealogy"
Freedmen's Bureau
The records left by the Freedmen's Bureau through its work between 1865 and 1872 constitute the richest and most extensive documentary source available for investigating the African American experience in the post-Civil War and Reconstruction eras. Historians have used these materials to explore government and military policies, local conditions, and interactions between freedpeople, local white populations, and Bureau officials.
GENUKI: United Kingdom & Ireland Genealogy
The British Isles' version of the U.S. GenWeb Project
"Search and browse cemetery burial records from thousands of cemeteries across the world."
Irish Genealogical Society, Intl.
Featuring advice, history and loads of links to Irish genealogy sites.
Useful links for those researching Italian ancestry.
Library of Congress: Local History and Genealogy Reference Services
The Library of Congress has one of the world's premier collections of U.S. and foreign genealogical and local historical publications. The Library's genealogy collection began as early as 1815 with the purchase of Thomas Jefferson's library.
Library of Congress: State Divided Resources
Compiled by Reference Specialists in the Local History and Genealogy Reading Room, this site identifies key resources for pursuing family history, and state, county and municipal historical research by state.
Massachusetts Historical Society
Founded in 1791, the Massachusetts Historical Society is an invaluable resource for American history, life, and culture. Its extraordinary collections tell the story of America through millions of rare and unique documents, artifacts, and irreplaceable national treasures.
National Archives: List of State Archives Institutions
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper
National Genealogical Society
Useful tips and links from one of the largest genealogical societies in the world.
National Gravesite Locator
Search for burial locations of veterans and their family members in VA National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries, various other military and Department of Interior cemeteries, and for veterans buried in private cemeteries when the grave is marked with a government grave marker.
Obtaining EDs for the 1900-1950 Censuses in One Step (Large Cities)
An easy way to determine the enumeration district for a street many large cities.
The Olive Tree Genealogy
A free website with more than 1,700 genealogy records, including ships passenger lists, military records, and land records.
One-Step Portal for On-Line Genealogy
This site, by Stephen P. Morse, "offers many search capabilities not found in the usual offerings from, RootsWeb, the Ellis Island online database, or the Social Security Death Indexes. The "One-Step Portal" does not have its own databases. Instead, it performs better and more efficient searches of other databases than what the original database providers provide."
One of the older genealogy websites, providing hundreds of valuable links.
U.S. Census Bureau
The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly.
Vital Records Information--United States
Information about where to obtain vital records (such as birth, death & marriage certificates and divorce decrees) from each state, territory and county of the United States. You will need to make a membership profile and enter a credit card to obtain the information, but it is free for 14 days.
Reference Librarians are available to help you with your research questions
3rd Floor Law Library at Info Desk