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Environmental Law: Keeping Current

Alert Services

Use ALERTS to keep up to date with developments in environmental law through Westlaw and Lexis.

Get notifications via e-mail (or RSS feed, HTML, XML or portal) of new cases, new and pending legislation, docket changes, publications and news on your topic, as well as any changes to citing authorities affecting the law you've found.

MassDEP Regulations Updates & Related Notifications 

  • Get email updates on regulations from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Westlaw Next

  • WestClip - Get new documents that match your search criteria
  • KeyCite Alert - Receive updates and changes to citing authorities
  • Docket Alert - Find out when new cases are filed that meet your criteria (party, jurisdiction, case type, etc.)
  • Docket Track - Know about changes and additions to dockets
  • Publication Alert - Lean when new documents are added to a particular publication on Westlaw Next

      Get instructions here.

Lexis Advance

  • Search Alert - Find good results with a set of search terms? Set up an alert to monitor them for changes 
  • Shepard's Alert - Set alerts to monitor changes in analysis for Shepardized cases or statutes
  • Publication Alert - Have a publication (or group of publications) you like? Get alerts when new articles are added.
  • Topic Alert - Retrieve new and updated documents from a variety of content types on a particular topic
  • Compare Results Alert - Compare results of two searches, and set an alert for related new documents

      Get instructions here.


Take advantage of online databases that aggregate news related to the practice of environmental law, from new cases to new legislation to new firm hires. 

LexisNexis' Law360 (located under Law Databases on the Law Library's webpage)

  • Get reports on major litigation and corporate transactions
  • Track developments in more than 10,000 companies, firms and industries
  • Sign up for daily e-mail newsletters
  • Recommended practice areas:  Energy, Environmental